Joy in Leaders = Joy in Work

By Dr. Michael J. Zappa

Focusing on joy, especially in work, is gaining momentum. It has my attention! It is clear to me that the mindset and habits are exactly what great leaders have and do and what developing leaders should concentrate on.

It is very tempting for any leader, especially those in healthcare, to focus on what’s wrong, what needs to be fixed. It’s time to view the situation through a different lens…we need to focus on the meaning and purpose of our work. This is a distinct advantage for those of us in healthcare, our mission is making peoples lives better. Joy is not in things, it is in US. IHI describes pride in workmanship as a fundamental right; having the connection to meaning and purpose promotes such pride and is the basis of joy.

Take the Joy Quiz.

Dr. Michael "Mike" Zappa

High-energy Senior Healthcare Executive who balances business acumen with clinical expertise to design and implement cost-effective solutions that transcend organizational challenges. Background as emergency physician informs ability to take intelligent risks and make administrative decisions that elevate patient care while protecting the bottom line. Entrepreneurial background as owner/operator of profitable healthcare enterprises—including emergency medicine management company and urgent care clinic—drives innovation. Brings a relentless focus on process improvement, service excellence and sound operations to power growth.

Good Operations is Good Strategy


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