The branding blog for healthcare leaders.
Your hub for healthcare branding insights.
Explore our blog for expert insights, tips, and thought leadership in healthcare branding.
You don’t need a ChatBot. You need a ghostwriter.
If you are an individual or business with lots of ideas but little time to turn them into words or an industry expert with knowledge to share but who dreads writing, you are the exact right kind of person to work with a ghostwriter—no celebrity status necessary.
Being open to others’ expertise will make you better at sharing your own
By Jim Wiederhold
Over the past year, countless organizations have created COVID-related content to let the public know how they’re responding in “these unprecedented times.” While some articles and ads have been inspiring or moving, some organizations have overpromoted to the point of being obnoxious. Rather than taking a partnership approach, they’ve chosen a selling approach, and it lands all wrong at a time when the country is struggling.
Grow your podcast listenership (without breaking the bank or wasting your time)
By Danielle Mellema
Entrepreneurs and small business owners are seeing the benefits of the still-growing podcasting trend. Podcast hosting is a (generally) low-cost way is to kill many birds with one stone—you can share your expertise, learn from others, deepen your network, position yourself as a thought-leader in your industry, and build a community with similar goals, interests, or ideals.
The Minimalist’s Guide to Managing Your Social Media
By Claire Sakaoka
As freelancers and solopreneurs, we are always looking for ways to either cut overhead or create more time in the day. Or very often – BOTH. And when you are busy, creating and managing social media accounts fall to the bottom of your list. Admit it, at least one day a week, the thought crosses your mind, “I should be posting to __________.”
Everything you need to know to have a successful career, you can learn while in career transition
By Jim Wiederhold
Career transition—whether anticipated or unexpected—can be a trying time in a person’s life. But in the transition process, there are lessons you can learn, skills you can develop, and habits you can form that will make you a better person, a stronger leader, and will serve you well as you continue to progress in your career.
Why social distancing is good for your personal brand
By Claire Sakaoka
With a background in public relations, I’m trained in not only how to communicate during a crisis, but also how to make lemonade out lemons. I was taught to look for the most consumable angle when delivering news. A way to subtly communicate our company’s positive attributes and/or mitigate potentially damaging messages. This is the lens in which I view the media.
Miracle-Gro® or Roundup® - Which One Are You Using on Your Network?
Why is it that some people thrive and others survive in business? Much of it comes back to their network. A network is like a garden. You have to water it on a consistent basis for it to grow. However, most of us put our heads down and focus on daily tasks. We say that we are too busy to network. We end up neglecting our networking garden and focus mainly on what others can do for us. Unfortunately, this self-referenced behavior is the equivalent of spraying Roundup® on your lush networking garden that you worked so hard to create. So what’s the cure?
Is your content King?
Three tips to rule.
When it comes to successful branding and marketing, content is king. Content can come in many forms— posts on social media sites, blogs, email newsletters, YouTube videos, etc. Quality content keeps your audience engaged, interested, and informed.
The problem: Many people have trouble producing high quality, relevant content on a consistent basis. It can feel time-consuming, laborious, and overwhelming when so many other priorities demand your attention, but if you want your branding efforts to be successful, you must commit to creating content.