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Brand Building, Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates Brand Building, Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates

Being open to others’ expertise will make you better at sharing your own

By Jim Wiederhold

Over the past year, countless organizations have created COVID-related content to let the public know how they’re responding in “these unprecedented times.” While some articles and ads have been inspiring or moving, some organizations have overpromoted to the point of being obnoxious. Rather than taking a partnership approach, they’ve chosen a selling approach, and it lands all wrong at a time when the country is struggling.

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Career Transition, Networking Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates Career Transition, Networking Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates

Don’t waste your December

By Jim Wiederhold

This time of the year, many people on the job hunt close up shop for the year, certain that no forward progress can be made between Thanksgiving and the New Year. This is simply not true. We all may be eager to put 2020 behind us, but there is still good work to be done to build a fulfilling life and career.

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Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates

Taking time away from the acute care market—and how to come back

By Jim Wiederhold

Here’s a scenario I get asked about often:

You’re in the acute care market. With COVID-19 challenges and hospitals only just now starting to hire again, you look outside the acute care market for job opportunities. But you know from watching colleagues take time away from acute care and attempt to return, that it isn’t always possible.

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Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates

“I’ll never lose my job” and other career transition misconceptions

By Jim Wiederhold - Right now, the job market is experiencing significant changes. People are finding themselves unemployed in increasing number who never thought they would lose their job. And with so many people looking for only a handful of open positions, it’s a terribly competitive situation.

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Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates

Don’t rely on memory. Write down your successes.

By Jim Wiederhold - When I meet with people who are starting their career transition journey, I often ask if they have a record of their accomplishments from their previous positions. Most often, people assure me that the information is stored “in their head.”

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Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates

Regular, honest feedback is the key to your growth as a leader

By Jim Wiederhold

Over the years, I’ve worked with many executives who were separated from their organizations for a variety of reasons, and the number of reasons continues to grow. Today, executives are let go not just for poor job performance but personality fit, relationships, business decisions, and company politics. Having dealt with these exit stories in all categories, it’s clear that people aren’t being given feedback—and aren’t asking for it.

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Networking, Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates Networking, Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates

Networking with sincerity during a pandemic

By Jim Wiederhold

In a time where communities are keeping their social distance and offices are closed in favor of working from home, networking looks different than it did a few months ago. People are rightfully distracted by COVID-19 and the economic challenge of our current situation. With reasonable expectations and a genuine desire to help your connections, you can continue to grow and deepen your network—even in these uncertain times.

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Networking, Brand Building, Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates Networking, Brand Building, Career Transition Jim Wiederhold, President, Wiederhold & Associates

Everything you need to know to have a successful career, you can learn while in career transition

By Jim Wiederhold

Career transition—whether anticipated or unexpected—can be a trying time in a person’s life. But in the transition process, there are lessons you can learn, skills you can develop, and habits you can form that will make you a better person, a stronger leader, and will serve you well as you continue to progress in your career.

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