“What would I write about, anyway?” 10 prompts to get you started on sharing your leadership wisdom

By Danielle Mellema, Chief Ghostwriter, Digital Content Manager

Your career in healthcare has had ups and downs, major wins and frustrating losses. You have learned a thing or two along the way, and your story and the wisdom you have gained has the potential to shape your team, organization, and the healthcare field. Your hard-won knowledge is worth sharing, but getting started is often the hardest part.  

If you are at a point in your career where you are ready to start influencing the next generation of leaders and inspiring your colleagues, here are 10 prompts to get your wheels turning and pen moving (or, more likely, get your keyboard clicking). 

Writing Prompts for Thought Leaders:

  1. What is a piece of common leadership wisdom that sounds almost right, but isn’t completely true in your experience? How would you re-write that advice?

  2. What gives you hope for the healthcare industry?

  3. Who are the three people who have most shaped you as a person? Tell a story about each one.

  4. Is there any current challenge, mindset, pattern of behavior, etc., you have observed in the healthcare field that gives you a feeling of déjà vu? What did you learn the first time around that might help leaders navigate that challenge today?

  5. Think about one of your areas of expertise (e.g. crisis response, financial turnarounds, employee engagement, patient satisfaction, public health). What are three to five tried-and-true principles, strategies, or vital signs that could help a colleague or fellow healthcare organization desiring to understand or improve in this area? 

  6. What are 10 things you have learned this year? This could focus on personal or professional learnings, take on a serious or light-hearted tone, or a combination! 

  7. If you could tell the population you serve one thing about the people who are part of your organization, what would it be?

  8. What are some areas you are actively trying to grow in? What tools, resources, learnings, questions, etc., are helping you reach those growth goals? 

  9. What is one trend in another industry that you think healthcare should emulate or learn from? 

  10. Think about the healthiest team you’ve ever been part of, whether you managed that team or not. What made that team’s dynamic work so well?

As inspiration starts firing, just get everything you can down on paper, even if your notes seem way too stream-of-consciousness to share publicly. There’s gold in there—I promise!—and the editing process can bring that to the surface.

Need some help?

And if you decide you don’t have the time or expertise to take your thoughts from brain-dump to polished and ready to publish, just reach out to us! Our ghostwriting team can help get your wisdom ready to share with the people who need to hear it.


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